Audition Information


Please note: Auditions will for our shows will be announced via our Facebook page and local news outlets, such as Lincoln Daily News, Herald News, and Lincoln Courier.

Come Prepared

Be sure to read the all audition information and instructions posted by the director. If time slots are offered, be sure to sign up and arrive well before the designated time. In the theatre “early is on time, and on time is late!” Check the requirements for reading scenes or performing song selections. Get to know the play or musical before the audition, if possible.

Work on Your Intro

Put your best foot forward with a decisive and memorable introduction. Practice it with friends and family. Sometimes just getting started is half the battle! And remember, a director is eager to fill the roles, so they want you to succeed! Give them your best smile and go for it!

Perfect Your Monologue

Sure, you’ve read the selection; you can deliver it perfectly with tears in your eyes and a catch in your throat. But you should also be prepared for the audition committee to ask you to deliver a monologue with a different mood, personality, or accent. Show the director what you can create, not just what you can imitate!

Be Polite to Everyone

It’s nice to be nice… to everyone (not just the people conducting your audition). You may not land your dream role at this audition, but you can be sure that how you interact with directors, volunteers, and your future cast mates will be noted. Whether you land the lead, sing in the chorus, or have a cameo appearance, always be kind and gracious to everyone you encounter.